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Frog Wednesday 2

Congratulations! Welcome to the Halliburton Gaming family. You've been selected to participate in an early play session of Frog Wednesday 2, our modern re-imagining of the hit frog-sperience. Leap between genres, testing out everything from an idle clicker to a battle royale mode and help us decide the next step for the Frog Wednesday franchise. Your feedback is appreciated!

Find Frog Wednesday 1 here: https://trashentity.itch.io/frog-wednesday-6-11-2020


  • Iseeicy
    • Programming, Level Design, Sound Design
  • Leo Vader
    • Writing, Voice Acting, Story Design

  • Various https://freesound.org/ users
    • Benboncan
      • Rockfall in mine
    • Fission9
      • Howling Wind
    • PLukx
      • AMB_Bardenas_wind_birds_leaves_strong_MOD_2
    • LudwigMueller
      • FXLM neon lights tv studio far switched on vari xy denoised
    • kyles
      • neon tube fluorescent light hum cu2
    • bennohansen
      • old_computer
    • klankbeeld
      • room-tone windy house 121220_00
    • Leandros.Ntounis
      • Wind, Soft. Crickets
      • Wind, strong. through rocks 1
    • teadrinker
      • wind_forest_08_strong_l_01
    • madbob69
      • frogs, a few, minimal traffic noise
    • junkfood2121
      • Computer Fan Loop
    • kernschall
      • thin metal sliding door close slam
    • markfrancombe
      • air


Move       - WASD
Jump       - Space
Sprint     - Shift
Interact   - E or Left Click
Pause      - Escape
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
TagsComedy, Frogs, Singleplayer, Voice Acting


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

FrogWednesday2_1.0e_Windows_x86_64.zip 201 MB
FrogWednesday2_1.0e_Linux_x86_64.zip 208 MB
FrogWednesday2_1.0e_MacOS.zip 202 MB

Development log


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I took so long in the battle royale part that I ran out of dialogue. Then I missed a ring in the computer and had to go back through it a bit to get it and that seemed kinda tedious so I stopped there. I think the charge jump is a fun idea that's not so fun in practice. The gameplay at that point is 50% waiting for it to charge and 50% waiting for the frog to sail through the air to his destination. I liked the game overall though. The look of it is cool and the writing made me laugh. The game could rely on those aspects alone and I don't think the gameplay needs to be as big of an obstacle as it is.

Deleted post

I don't know. That whole ramble sequence is a blur to me - and on top of that, I recorded it a couple of months before release. I have no clue what games I was talking about other than "baby game" which was Death Stranding lmfao

OH - I FOUND THE PART IN THE DIALOG - I was literally talking about Chutes and Ladders.

Deleted post

This is absolute gold.


... It was supposed to crash at the end... right?


It was! Thanks for playing :D


By the way, here's some constructive feedback from a fellow dev:

I think you can make a few adjustments to make the experience smoother, without taking away from the difficulty or intentional "unfinished" feel.

  • Audio
    • The Super Jump "charge up" sound gets pretty grating over time, and can distract from the dialogue. You might be able to fix that by just bringing down the maximum pitch.
    • The "step" clicking sound is important feedback for platforming, but can get really annoying when played rapidly on slopes, low ceilings, & corners.
      I see two possible solutions for this:
      • 1: Attenuate the sound over time when played rapidly in succession, and reset the attenuation after an interval.
      • 2: Set a minimum interval the sound can be played. This would at least make it sound less like your computer is crashing.
  • Super Jump
    • The Super Jump guide-line doesn't seem to be accurate - at least to me as a user. I'd suggest double checking it. Could it be related to frame rate?
      • If it IS accurate, then it might be a usability issue. Maybe you could try leaving the line there during the jump? This might let players see what's happening during the jump, and adjust accordingly. 
    • Without the mid-air sprint, it's very difficult to make adjustments mid-air. I found myself missing a lot of big jumps by just a meter or so. Maybe you could nudge-up the areal directional influence when using the Super Jump?
    • IMO, it takes too long to charge enough jump power to make short jumps - but I'm guessing that that might be intentional.

Really fun, but too short. And it rapidly changes the core gameplay, which I'm not into it at all. I liked the normal jumps more, as the charge jump makes everything really easy. Also, talking about easy, I was expecting it to be harder, but it's pretty simple. Other than that, great game.


very cool idea for a game. that parkour is maddening tho.


this game made me vomit. 8/10


I didn't know frogs were immortal. Thanks for the cool fact!


It's tru


10/10 First Person Platformer Battle Royale Metroidvania Clicker.


ohhh my god I just finished the game and let me say that pleassseee do more games with this theme where you narrate and talk on every level it was soooo amusing!!!!!




this be gaming





